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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Le Figaro Slims Down in New Design

Le Figaro Slims Down in New Design

The French daily Le Figaro will appear completely redesigned as ofMonday. "It's not a revolution, it's an evolution", said FrancisMorel, general director at Le Figaro, reports Le Monde. The goal is toincrease readership, especially among women and younger readers(average age of reader is said to be 55-57 years) and to encourageoccasional readers to become regular ones. After research with readersand several dummies, the new design will start on Monday, October 3.The changes include: The paper will be 3,4 cm narrower. The new logois "European blue". The paper will consist of 3 sections. The firstsections will cover international news, Europe and France. The secondsection, which will be printed on salmon paper will be dedicated tothe economy and the third part will cover subjects as culture,fashion, free time, lifestyle and wellness. Much space will bededicated to photographs and infographics. And also the website willbe redesigned. The relaunch is said to have cost 5 million Euro. Thepapers cover price of 1 Euro will stay the same. Imédias has a photoof the a front page in the new design. See here.Le Figaro, the oldest newspaper of the country, was founded as aweekly in 1826 and has appeared as a daily since 1866. It has acirculation of about 326,700, currently more than competitor Le Monde,reports Der Standard.Sources: Le Monde and Imédias.

"Ernesto Gutierrez Cortes"

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